Spring is springing
It’s been very busy on the plot as everything has been shooting up at an incredible speed. All our salad crops are doing well and even more have gone in. New additions include: 3 Courgette Plants, 6 Red Cauliflowers, Normal white Cauliflower, Beetroot, Kale, Cavelo Nero, Brussel Sprouts and probably a few more (which I shall add later).
After a huge number of Dandelions managd to put up their fluffy seed heads I decided that a good (and fun) way to to get rid of them was with a blowtorch. The idea being that they wouldn’t be able to float all over the plot. It was surprising quick to toast a large number of the heads as they only need a quick pass with the blowtorch before they vaporise in a puff of smoke.
There have been more exciting developments on the plot this weekend, but I’ll detail those (along with eveything else I’ve missed out in this quick update) in another post very soon.