A slow winter
It’s been a slow month down on the allotment, I blame the weather. We managed to get all the beds on the right hand side of the plot dug before it got too rainy, but since then we’ve slacked off a bit. The last time we were down there digging we both had 3 pairs of gloves on…It was painfully chilly.
HIJACK! It’s me! Lucy! mmmm….yummy vegetables I can’t wait…..
I’ve done some tinkering with the radio transmitter/receiver boards (to send data between the allotment and our flat), but not managed to get them working reliably yet. I’ll get some details about them up when I get a chance.
Yesterday we found a good source for old wooden pallets on a industrial estate nearby. We’ve got to do a bit of asking around before we can run off with them, but when we get our grubby mits on some we’ll get the raised beds and compost heap sorted out.